November 9, 2006

Heaven or Hell

Believe it or not, this did not come from some southern recipe, or from some American State Fair midway food booth. This is a Scottish idea:

Deep-Fried Pizza
That is unbelievably. How to make a piece of junk food even worse for you. Occasionally I do partake of a gourmet homemade pizza with shrooms, veggies, and anchovies. But how did anyone come up with the idea to batter it up and deep-fry it is beyond my comprehension.

But I am wondering what it tastes like.......

Temptation is wicked.


BBC said...

I don't have a deep fryer so I guess I won't be finding out. I often cook my pizza in my electric frying pan though.

I wonder what happened to Minou, I'm missing her posts.

FreakyNick said...

I have been wondering about Minou, too. Maybe she's taking an extended time "off the grid", or just enjoying being in France.

Blueberry said...

I've heard of fried Snicker bars. That sounds pretty bad.

Hard to believe there was a way to cram even MORE fat into something like pizza.

pissed off patricia said...

Oh Gross! We're supposed to be eating healthy foods and all, but seems they are frying everything that can't run away. One place here is offering fried mac and cheese.

BBC said...

Cheesecake? Did I hear Cheesecake? I'll be right over. :-)

azgoddess said...

oh my god - you are serious here???

this is so - well, let me know what it tastes like - eh??? grin

Baglady said...

Ughghghghgh - is that a way of using up week-old pizza? A heart-attack on a plate please . . .