June 3, 2006


As it gets near election day in Montgomery, it is hard to avoid all the political rukus and nonsense going on around us. I do vote, so I need to know whom I'm going to vote for by trying to find out where they stand on the issues I care about. I do this by researching their experience and watching some campaign speeches. I do no blindly vote down party lines, partisan politics is complete nonsense and it is a lazy and wasteful use of your vote.

There is one way a candidate can get me to NOT vote for them. It is by creating pollution and sticking their name on it. I'm talking about all the ugly campaign signs that litter and pollute our roads and nieghborhoods. If I see a name on a ugly campaign poster stuck on the side of a road, telephone pole or neighbors yard, I do make a note NOT to vote for that person.

Anyone who makes a decision based on a name on a sign should not vote, it is making an uninformed decision. If you would vote on a person based on a name on a poster, please don't vote. First you are just throwing away a vote, it is irresponsible, and second, why would you vote for a person that trashes the place you live. Campaign posters are pollution, and the candidates that place them create a ugly, trashy eyesore of our cities.

Candidates, quit littering Montgomery with your campaign signs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested