February 8, 2008

Your Bondage

You cannot be spiritual and egocentric at the same time.

You cannot say you have an eternal soul, if you are selfishly focused on your life, your beliefs, and your understanding of the material world.

You cannot say you know God, if you think that humans are some kind of unique deity-chosen animal to be the "caretaker" of this place. Humans are no more special than a handful of soil, or the worms that work it so life can prosper. Without either, life, as humans define it, would not exist.

Humans were late-comers to this planet, and will most likely be gone before this planet's demise. It is the natural order of things, to change, rid the bad parts, develop more useful and healthy life. Human life is only a mere speck of ordered material, inhabited for a very brief time on this piece of leftover debris.

Then there are the mysteries no human will ever know. The how, where, why, and what answers which are beyond what our limited insight and intelligence can show us. What is beyond the known universe, and beyond what we will never know? On that, we must rely on faith.

The lasting affect of long dead prophets, philosophers, and a supposed messiah, is not who they were nor how they lived, but how their past lives and teachings still influence our daily lives.

Enjoy all aspects of life. It is short, scary, and meaningless. The only thing that will outlast your brief moment of deluded consciousness, and bring some kind of meaning to your existence, is the affect you have on other meaningless lives.



Casdok said...

The affect you have on others.
How true.

Mauigirl said...

Good post, if depressing. I agree with you - we are here a short time and all we can do is make the journey as pleasant as possible, both for ourselves and for those whose paths we cross.

mad said...

Are you a Buddhist or something?

buddhists like to say
birth is just the beginning
of the friggin' end

azgoddess said...

yes i thought the same - that this way of thought was very close to Buddhism's...

nice dilbert link..

and man oh man are you getting profound in your old age - i like it!!! smile

supergirlest said...

bravo! bravo! bravo!!!!!!