January 24, 2007

Last Minute

Only one thinking day left until niCkalia. Tomorrow there will be no thinking allowed , so get all your heavy brain work done today, tomorrow you need to celebrate the savior of nothing with the traditional catatonic stare at a blank wall. Give your brain a rest.

If you have problems turning off your mind, I suggest you hurry and steal (no shopping allowed) one of the popular cat videos, and stare at the birdies with mindless distraction.

Speaking of mindless distraction. How come the "State of the Union" address can't be what it says it is? Instead we have a rehearsed political propaganda speech. The state of our country, and what needs to be done to fix the damage of our current leader, continues to be ignored. (I had to get that in today, I won't be thinking tomorrow)

SOTU Parody, from mccs1977. Thanks.

Now, stop thinking, and hold your nose. A foul smell is about to get worse.


azgoddess said...

aww, things aren't all that bad....we can still blog and say what ever the hell we want to

the SOTU reminds me a lot of the movie/book 1984...rehearsed speeches and changing history...

BBC said...

There isn't enough beer in this town to make me stop thinking. Sorry, but I will just have to keep thinking.

And you know that you will also.

No one is really a Liberal, labels are just stupid.

Angry Ballerina said...

Thanks for the permission!

Evil Spock said...

Before I forget, happy pre-Nick day buddy.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Well these days my head is a big blur. New meds to ease the pain of the pinched nerves.. so there is absolutely NOTHING stopping me from eating and spending..by the time I get back to work, I'll weight 200 lbs and be flat broke..but hey... who gives a hoot! ;-)

Have a great day tomorrow honey...


Frederick said...

Thanks for the linkage, nice to meet you...don't know about how I feel being stuck in your state for the next few weeks, however.

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd turned to the SOU but it was actually the end of Animal House in the riot scene with Kevin Bacon doing is best dubya screaming "All is Well"