Angry Ballerina and
Mary posted their "tag" posts this past week, which reminded me that I had this tag to fulfill.
These facts have probably already appeared in the blog at some time or another.
1. I drive a gray 2001 Honda Accord. It is the best car I have ever owned. I bought it new and I've become emotionally attached to it, this car has been with been with me through some rough times in my life. I'm going to cry when I have to part with it.
2. I'm not a Liberal. Many people think because of my views that I'm Liberal or Democrat. Not even close. Personally, I have always leaned to the conservative side, but I have many viewpoints and opinions that most people would consider liberal. I'm a middle-of-the-roader who likes to consider both sides of an issues before possibly taking a side.
Don't confuse conservatism with the nationalists that are now in executive power. In my opinion, they are NOT conservatives, they are NOT patriots, they are traitors. (
High-Five! I snuck a political statement into my introspection.)
I believe the best way to live is someone in middle ground of these two influences. I like tradition and routine, but I believe that progress is as necessary to life as evolution. I like to have my personal liberties, but believe that some sort of government authority is required to limit the power, influence, and greed of those who take advantage of others.
I consider myself Progressive Libertarian. I do not choose this way of thinking, it chooses me.
3. I rarely go out to eat. I have a busy lifestyle, spend much time at work, and pursuing my non-work activities (running, races, hiking, blogging), but I will not surrender to the temptation of quick, easy, unhealthy, assembly-line meals. Read
Fast-Food Nation, and
Dr. Weil (many books) and see the movie
Supersize Me and you will understand why I feel like I do. When I do go out and eat, I've found a few superb local restaurants that suit my
picky seasoned tastes.
4. My social life:
In the 80's it was getting drunk on the weekend, playing pool, darts, and pinochle, sometimes all at the same time.
In the 90's I was a soccer mom, both kids played soccer and I was involved in their soccer teams. I loved that.
In the 00's my life has been an emotional roller coaster ride. In the last two years, I've quit dating (dating, over 40, is depressing) and I now base my whole social life on running events. My life is stabilizing again, I hate where I live, but I love my job.
5. I'm a morning person. After a good night's sleep, I feel great and ready to start my day and get things done. I'm at my best then. If I have any tasks I need to do, I start them first thing in the morning and get them done. By the afternoon, when most people are just starting their tasks or starting to work, I'm beat, and need to start unwinding and relaxing. Do not give me something to do late in the day, it will not get done, or if I try to complete the task, I will likely mess it up (not on purpose).
When I can, I siesta. Then I don't get those late-day doldrums I hate and make me miserable and depressed.
6. I love playing
Scrabble (
while drinking Guinness). My vocabulary isn't that great; please don't rush me when it's my turn; I probably won't win; but I still like playing. I haven't been able to play very much since I've been single, I miss it.
Same as supergirlest's #7. The sun drains my energy. I have the best running results when it's cloudy or raining.
I'm only happy when it rains" -
Garbage8. My favorite color has always been green. Even when I was a child, I loved all different shades and tints of green.
I will not tag anyone. If you want, go ahead and post random facts about yourself, we love reading them.