April 23, 2007


420. It is about hemp.

A plant that can be used for other things than for its euphoria producing properties. It doesn't have to be smoked, the "high" can also be obtained from ingesting the leaves or infusing the leaves for tea.

Hemp seeds (from varieties without THC) are a common cooking ingredient, hemp seed oil is high in omega-3 and omega-6 oils. It is a health food that is often overlooked. It is also used in birdseed. The fibers from the stalks can be spun into thread for highly durable clothing. At one time, hemp was the most popular fiber used for rope and was a common cash crop in early America.

I'm still amazed that a person can go to jail for growing a plant, when this "crime" can be committed with no victim. The crime and victims are in the organized distribution and are the result of government prohibition. There is no victim if I plant a seed and grow this "herb" myself.

It is not that I'm a "stoner". I think the government prohibition has created the underground market. Remember alcohol prohibition?

General Hemp Links:
2 Nature - Organic Hemp Seed Oil Body Care Products
Hemp food, protein powder and bodycare plus more useful information.
Essential oil of Cannabis sativa L. strains, by Vito Mediavilla and Simon Steinemann
Plant Cultures: hemp botany, history, uses
Read Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports regarding Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity
The Emperor Wears No Clothes
Hemp For Victory American Department of Agriculture video
The Human Exchange Musical Programs (The H.E.M.P.)
State Taxation of Harvested Marijuana Exhibit

Hemp industry
(INEEDHEMP)Divine Tribe
Hemp Industries Association
The Hemp Report (subscription)
Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance
International Hemp Association
North American Industrial Hemp Council
Open Directory Project - Business/Agriculture and Forestry/Industrial Hemp
Industrial Hemp Directory
National Non Food Crop Centre
Hemp For Victory Blog


Anonymous said...

Blueberry is the smart one who figured it out... ;-)

Whatever people want to do with the plant is okay if it's not harmful.

My friend's 15-year-old kid has been growing it for a couple of years now on her property. He has a green thumb and absolutely enjoys it very much. He's at a point that he's smoking all day long and can't go one day without. My friend got a call from the principal last week and they are worried because he can't keep up at school anymore....

I feel bad for my friend and her kid. Obviously if the kid was hooked on alcohol it wouldn't be better.

Maybe there's a reason for these laws. I'm just happy I don't have kids, I would be so worried.

Have a nice day!

Blueberry said...

I used to smoke that stuff... until 25+ years ago that is. My mother did too, starting waaaay back in the sixties, so I wasn't even rebelling -- breaking the law? Yes. I wish it was legal, I kind of miss it. I also wish it didn't give you the munchies. I can gain weight just LOOKING at food. grrrr.

Blueberry said...

But we do use hemp merchandise, hats, wallets, soap, rope, etc.

FreakyNick said...

In the U.S.A., hemp cultivation is legally prohibited.

Canada and Europe issue permits

Anonymous said...

Hemp oil is second highest to flax oil in ALA, the omega 3 fatty acid found in plants. It's actually got the proportion of n-3 to n-6 that the human body needs, as flax oil has too MUCH n-3 compared to n-6. (With polyunsaturated fats, it's all about the proportions.) But since most people have too little n-3, it's okay to get too much for a year or so, but after that it's best to stick with hemp oil for maintenance.

More than you wanted to know, I bet.

Pam said...

Absolutely RIDICULOUS laws, I agree.

When will they learn - WAR on anything rarely works.

Peacechick Mary said...

I'm all for legalizing hemp and taxing it just like tobacco when it's used in smokes. As for including it in food, then that's an FDA thing. It does have some wonderful medicinal properties that can not be achieved with other medications. People with advanced AIDS get tremendous pain relief when other meds don't help one whit.

BBC said...

Like any drug, some can handle it and some can't.

I know folks that use it and still function in life pretty well. I know others that it just screws up and we ended up supporting them.

And some that at least manage to still work even though they would do better and make more if they didn't use it.

Never did take to it myself. And it is too damn expensive unless you grow your own.

I'll stick to my beer, I can drink a fair amount of it and still work the butt off of a lot of men ten years younger than me.

And not look and sound stupid doing it.

BadTux said...

Nick, marijuana makes you feel good. If it makes you feel good, it must be Satan's handiwork, like dancing and women wearing pants. Worse yet, it's a method of feeling good that doesn't require sending large sums of money to Big Pharma for Happy Happy Pills, since it is literally a weed that you can grow on your own on your back porch. Big Pharma employs hundreds of thousands of people and pays hundreds of millions of dollars of bribe money to politicians every year. So not only would legalizing marijuana be doing Satan's work, but it would also hurt dozens of hard-working legislators who would have to work for a living instead of live off the Big Pharma payroll, it would hurt dozens of millionaire Big Pharma executives who'd lose a few thousand dollars of their bonus money, but most importantly, it'd hurt all the regular working people who work for Big Pharma, who would lose a few cents off their paychecks if Big Pharma could no longer sell Happy Happy Pills by the bucketload.

Knowing all that, I have just one question for you upon hearing your proposal that we de-criminalize marijuana: Why do you hate America?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Undeniable Liberal said...

The Penguin makes some great points. Big Pharma is THE reason that those plants are illegal.

FreakyNick said...

I guess with they synthesize all the health benefits of vegetables into pills, growing veggies will become illegal, also?

Yeah, I hate the sham of AmeriKKKa.

Anonymous said...

Talk to my friend Nat and let's just see how she feels about it.

I guess it's hard for us to put ourselves in her shoes.

Maybe having a child hooked on it makes us see things differently.

I would help my cousin smoke it because he had MS and it would make him feel better. But I still feel there needs to be some kind of control over this substance like any other substance.

BadTux said...

Yeah, Nancy, I agree. It should be illegal, because being illegal will keep kids like your friend Nat's kid from smoking marijuana. Tell us how well that's working, huh?

And while we're at it, lots of young kids get drunk every night. Let's make alcohol illegal for young kids too. Same deal with selling cigarettes to young kids. Oops, hold it, we already did that, hmm?

Making it illegal for young kids is a *totally* different subject from making it illegal for adults. Protecting kids from irresponsible adults is part of what society is supposed to be doing. And BTW, I'd ask what on Earth a supposedly grown adult is doing allowing a 14 year old who isn't even yet old enough to drive self-medicate himself with *any* kind of drug, legal or not...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Badtux, I never thought about like that before. Whether legal or illegal kids will be kids, right? There will always be "some people" who'll abuse of the good things that life has to offer. Why should we punish those who know how to enjoy a good thing.

Another good reason for getting the government involved, at least now the "dealers" will have an honest job like the rest of us. Moreover, it will be another great way for the government to get more money by taxing marijuana like they do for cigarettes and booze.

So yeah, I'm all for legalizing it too. Why shouldn't people who smoke and drinkg be taxed. ;-) In the States you're probably not as taxed on that stuff as here because many Canadians go to the States to buy their smokes and booze.

azgoddess said...

take victimless crimes off the books!

that should be our next movement after ending all wars!!

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You need to slack off on the ganja, bro. sportsbook What you meant to ask was what the physiological reasons are. Also, you used "occur" three times in two sentences. Besides interfering with cognitive function, marijuana impairs short-term memory. bet nfl Looks like yours can be measured in milliseconds. Last time the subject of the munchies came up, in 1977--I've been writing this column longer than a lot of you sumbitches have been alive,sportsbook all I could tell you was that scientists had ruled out dope-induced fluctuations in blood sugar as a cause. Since then, I'm pleased to inform you, great strides have been made. As it turns out, far from being a mere curiosity, the munchies provide a clue to the http://www.enterbet.com workings of one of the body's primary methods of hunger regulation, the endogenous cannabinoid system.

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Munchies (confectionery)
Mintola" redirects here. For the camera and office equipment company, see Minolta.sportsbook
Munchies are a type of confectionery produced by Nestlé. They were introduced by the British firm Rowntree's in 1957.[1] The brand was later acquired by Nestlé as part of its takeover of Rowntree Mackintosh in 1988.
The original variety of Munchies are individual milk chocolate-coated sweets with a caramel and biscuit centre.march madnessIn 1995, the confectionery formerly known as Mintola (near-identical in appearance to Munchies, but consisting of plain chocolate with a mint fondant centre) was renamed Mint Munchies.www.canadacasino.com In 2006, Mint Munchies were again renamed, this time as After Eight Bitesize.

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