October 3, 2006


As a nation, we can learn much much from the way the Amish community is handling the recent evil act of random violence. They forgive the man who took their children from them. They won't let their faith become tainted with bitter feelings and evil vengeance. They have true faith. They know in their hearts that those children are in a better place.

I might not agree with their religion, but I respect their faith and their ability to follow the teachings of their faith, even when their own flesh and blood is torn from them.

Look at how we have responded as a nation to the evil act of random violence that has torn us apart, eating away out our principles, turning "Christians" into blood-thirsty murderers.

Would we see the same outpouring of grief if Islamic children had died in random acts of violence in Iraq or Lebanon? It has happened and is still happening.

I cannot understand how this "monster" could commit these acts of hatred and evil against innocent victims. It is even hard for me, an uninvolved bystander, to forgive it.

The "monster" I speak of is not only the one that murdered the Amish girls, it is also the the "monster" that has taken so much life in our "War on Terror". The "monster" is the inability to forgive.

"Fear is a powerful thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It'll take your God-filled soul
Fill it with devils and dust"


Anonymous said...

You don't know it but you have become part of a larger loose band of social scientists.

Lusty thinks I'm crazy, she has never had a look into mind of a man like Einstein. And I'm giving them a good look at such a brain on my blog. He, he, he.

Anonymous said...

The Amish can forgive, but they also shun from their communinity those that don't fit.

And that is right, like a wolf pack. If you don't fit, you don't belong.

pissed off patricia said...

Those little girls' deaths have broken my heart because I truly do believe they were the most innocent of all innocents.

I admire their ability to forgive, it is the healthiest way. I wish I could be like them in that respect.

Any child's death is tragic and some just hit me differently.

azgoddess said...

said like a human being!! thanks

i grew up in a quaker town..and then moved to chicago suburbs when i was a teen -- talk about culture shock..

they and the amish are beautiful people

Blueberry said...

I have been really moved by the way the Amish have dealt with this tragedy. Real forgiveness is one of the most difficult things that a person can accomplish. It doesn't come naturally, and most people don't ever do it... not really. I have lost track of the post, but someone mentioned that Gandhi said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". I don't have to subscribe to Gandhi's religion to believe that it's a wise and profound sentiment.