June 26, 2007

Odd Way Thinking

I have odd thoughts.

For instance; I believe that two consenting adults should be able to live together any way they wish, even as a life-long couple, as in a marriage or union or whatever term they want to use to publicize their commitment to each other. What they do to love each is their own business.

For the record let me state that I'm straight. It makes me uncomfortable to think about two men together, and I have no desire to be with another man that way. I don't even want to see them holding hands, or cuddling. Two women together, well, that is art, and I have no problem with that. I don't choose these preferences, they are just there.

No, I don't think that is an odd way to think. I'm very tolerate, and I think it is ignorant to think everyone must think the same as I do. I'm wise enough to know that not all people think alike, or have the same preferences I do, and I shouldn't use my likes and dislikes to judge others.

A religious person I once dated tried to tell me why homosexuality was wrong. Besides the bible stories stating that homosexuality is an abomination (it also says the same thing about menstruation), the reason that a union can only be between a man and a women is; "Mr. Deity" blesses that love by allowing them to create life together, just as "Mr. Deity" created us. Love creates life. A gay couple cannot conceive a child naturally, so they can't participate with "Mr. Deity" in the creation of life. So that isn't love.

So, I asked, that would put celibacy and abstinence (purity, yeah right) on the same level as homosexuality, right?

Blank Stare



Blueberry said...

I got myself "fixed" about 15 years ago so we can't conceive either. I get we are doomed to be loveless because of our childfree state. What says Mr. D on that? ;-)

Pam said...

Yeah - hubby got the big V. So that makes us abominations, right?

I once knew a woman who said that having sex within your marriage while using birth control desecrated your marriage. So, sex for pleasure is just plain wrong. But she used the "rhythm method" so wasn't that desecrating her marriage too?

Great come back, by the way. I can't be around people who let others (religion, etc.) do their thinking for them.

Oh - and if Mr. Deity says homosexuality is a sin, then why did He create homosexuals?

supergirlest said...

years ago someone told me the reason that homosexuality was/is an abomination in the bible was the result of there needing to be massive numbers of people having children to fight wars with. if a man lay down with a man... no soldiers. interesting perspective, no?

azgoddess said...

nice one...love your sense of humor! and the comments...ah yes!

Mary said...

Good comeback! Love it.

pissed off patricia said...

This, like so much of religion, makes no sense when you think about it.

We are childless by choice, is that a top level sin?

Peacechick Mary said...

Boy, you know how to zing them back - totally great comeback.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Excellent point. I would have paid to see the expression on that person's face.

Anonymous said...

"For the record let me state that I'm straight. It makes me uncomfortable to think about two men together, and I have no desire to be with another man that way. I don't even want to see them holding hands, or cuddling. Two women together, well, that is art, and I have no problem with that."

LOL spoken like a real man.. ;-)

If I were to put a blindfold over your eyes..and have "someone" touch you ever so gently.. feel warms lip on your.... ;-)

How could you tell?

Something to make you go hummmm

But I expect you'll say something like "I'd know don't worry.. I'd know the difference" wink..

I have a lot of "real men" around me and I've heard the answers...

You don't have odd thoughts .. most men think like you... ;-)

Kisssss with the blindfold still on...